Considering Growing in Leadership this year?
Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing is governed by a Board of Trustees, elected by the membership.
The nominating team meets in November of each year to create a slate of nominatees for the Annual Members meeting the 2nd Sunday of March each year.
Board of Trustees Pledge: Recognizing God as our Infinite Source and Power, we, the servant leaders of Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing, are anchored in the spiritual practices of meditation, tithing and visioning. Thank you, God, for the opportunity to love and to serve!
If you have an interest in serving in this capacity,
there are some steps you can take.
- Talk to a current board member to understand how the board functions.
Chrissie Shearer, Jeff Benoit, Jane Cloos, Jill Dening, Lucille Olson, Donnette Pinkerton, Janet Cortright
- Attend a Board meeting as a guest observor
- Fill out an application form. There are paper copies on the credenza in the Great Hall that can be placed in the 'mailbox". You can also access an electronic copy below that can be submitted via email to UnityLansingOffice@gmail.com.
We affirm the divine order of being in service at the right and perfect time,
whatever that service may be.
Link to Application Form to Become a Nomineee for Unity's Board of Trustees
Bylaw Requirements for Members of the Board of Trustees
Section 1. Membership. The Board of Trustees will be composed of the senior minister and five (5) to seven (7) other trustees. The trustees will be elected from among the membership of Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing at the Annual Membership Meeting. Churches with fifty (50) members or less may choose to have a Board of Trustees composed of the senior minister and at least three (3) other trustees.
Section 2. Eligibility and Term of Office.
- Qualifications. To be eligible to be elected to the Board of Trustees a person must be a member of Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing for a minimum of six (6) months. In addition, candidates for election will endeavor to live in accord with the Jesus Christ principles of love and truth as taught by Unity Worldwide Ministries, work to further the purposes of this ministry through active interest, participation, love and support, be a sincere and continuing student of Unity always remaining conversant with its teachings and have leadership capabilities.
- Term of Office. Elected trustees will hold office for three (3) years, or until their successors have been elected and assume office. Trustees elected at any annual membership meeting will take office at the conclusion of the annual membership meeting at which they were elected. No elected trustee will serve more than two consecutive terms without an interval of one (1) year between terms. Any person who serves on the Board more than half of a term will be credited with having served a full term.
Section 3. Prohibition of Board Service. The following persons are prohibited from serving on the Board of Trustees:
- Any active licensed Unity teacher from your ministry;
- Relatives, significant others, or household members of any trustee of the ministry;
- Individuals receiving compensation from the ministry may serve on the board, but may not vote on any matter of compensation as it relates to such individual or business entity owned by such individual.
- Relatives, significant others, or household members of any individual consistently receiving more than $100.00 per month compensation from the ministry may serve on the board, but may not vote on any matter of compensation as it relates to such individual or business entity owned by such individual.