Celebration Services Team
Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing
Mission Statement: To create well planned celebration services that inspire and uplift, model Unity Principles, and include everyone.
Team Leader as of 02/09/18 Jeff English Music Director
Team Secretary Open
Meets as needed, usually following Sunday Service
DESIGN TEAM: Accountabilities: Plan the decor of the sanctuary as well as special decor for holidays (Design also works with Facilities team in choosing colors and materials for remodeling.)
Platform assistants, Greeters – welcome packets – special care/newcomers, Music, Order of Service, ASL – signing
Service Teams: Usher/Greeters, Platform Assistants, Music Team, Love Offering Counters, Video Broadcast
Co-ordinates with Tech Team on equipment and training on equipment
Go to https://www.unitylansing.org/our-sunday-music-ministry to meet our musicians!
General Strategy:
Report to leadership council regularly
Team Leader – Rev. Sharon Ketchum/Jeff English
Vision a Sunday experience that supports the congregation in awakening to their spiritual oneness with God, each other and all creation
Maintain records of team decisions and plans
Set a budget for ambiance, flowers, etc.
Maintain a calendar of special service events
Provide anything needed to fulfill the mission
Core Values targeted:
Prayer, Inclusiveness, Joyfulness, Spiritual Awakening
Team Members
Music Director/Band/Soloists Jeff English englishjeff53@gmail.com
works with Tech Team: Greg Dening g.dening@comcast.net
Ushers/Greeters Edmund Mack, Ushers mack.e@att.net
Platform Assistant Coordinator: Chris Janson
Counting Team: Stacey Ames staceyames1@gmail.com