Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing Bylaws: ARTICLE IV - Members
Section 3. Membership.
- New Members. Thirty (30) days after acceptance, a new member who has reached the age of eighteen (18) will have voting rights at all membership meetings up through the day prior to the next regularly scheduled annual membership meeting. To continue membership and voting rights, a new member is required to complete a renewal document prior to the start of the member’s first annual meeting.
- Existing Members. To retain membership rights, each member must indicate a desire to remain a member by completing and returning to the church a yearly membership renewal document as approved and distributed by the Board of Trustees. If no current membership renewal document is on file prior to the start of the Annual Membership Meeting, that person becomes a former member and cannot serve on the Board of Trustees or vote at any membership meeting.
Healthy and Safe Community Interactions
In alignment with USCL’s core values, it is the intention of this spiritual community to foster a healthy and safe space for everyone.
As a member of USCL, I commit to our community agreement to treat each other with respect:
I seek to be kind, self-aware, collaborative, quick to listen and slow to judge.
I commit to co-creating healthy and safe interactions within our community by respecting that a variety of opinions and conflict is a normal part of life.
Being willing to see the need behind the conflict as opposed to becoming polarized into differences (Nonviolent communication) and defaulting to prayer to open my ears, to release any need to be right, and to discover the path of peace and kindness for all concerned.
Inclusion Statement adopted March 2023
Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing, its members and affiliates, welcome with love all people in every form as God’s creation.
We embrace and honor the Divine within as the one common denominator that we share on our human journey.
We recognize the perfection represented in the mosaic of all humans by: race; culture; gender, sexual identity & orientation; body type; disability; economic status; neurodiversity; life experience; belief; ideas; and perspective.
We strive to expand beyond our individual unconscious biases, blinders, ignorance, and inexperience to create a space where gaps are uncovered, opportunities to be Love in Action are identified, and wholeness is realized.
We affirm and support Unity principles and programs that are non-discriminatory and inclusive in our teachings, policies, buildings, and within our communities.
We champion the course of human rights and social justice for all. However varied, we are one.
To review the complete set of bylaws, go to https://www.unitylansing.org/uscls-bylaws-march-2023