The Staff and Leadership of Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing is committed to providing the membership with opportunities to explore their spiritual path and awaken to their oneness with God, each other and all creation
Senior Minister
Office Manager
Rev. Sharon Ketchum, Minister
Off on Wednesdays
Jessica Shelton, Office Manager
Office Hours: Tues - Friday 10 am - 2 pm
President Chrissie Shearer, Vice President Jeff Benoit, Secretary Jill Dening, Treasurer Jane Cloos
Board of Trustees Pledge: Recognizing God as our Infinite Source and Power, we, the servant leaders of Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing, are anchored in the spiritual practices of meditation, tithing and visioning. Thank you, God, for the opportunity to love and to serve!
Jeff Benoit
Chrissie Shearer
Chrissie Shearer was elected as President.
Chrissie is in her 1st year of her second term on the board and brings a wealth of experience from her professional life. She is a master of meeting efficiencies and efficacies, and brings great joy and enthusiasm.
Jeff Benoit is serving as Vice President. Jeff heads up our administrative team and is reactivating our Event Rental Team. Jeff has been part of several other Unity churches as he's moved around the country and brings new ideas, as well as a passion for Unity.
Jill Dening has been an active member of Unity since we were located on Marshall Street. She has been active on a number of our ministry teams - Earthcare, Hospitality, Tech Team and more. She brings wonderful skills with details and organization.
Jane Cloos has served as treasurer several times over her 30 year tenure with Unity. She is well-versed in financials and delves deeply into the reports to insure that Unity is expertly accounted!
Members at Large
Lucille Olson, author, composer & musician, is a seasoned veteran of the new thought experience. She reliably challenges us to consider new ideas, approaches and events.
Donnette and Janet were welcomed to the Board in July 2024.
Donnette Pinkerton brings wonderful organizational skills and is currently a member of our Inclusion Team and Hospitality Team. She also lead a safety plan team to use in the event of any emergencies.
Janet Cortright is an expert on labyrinths as well as various healing methods. She also has great organizational skills, works with our Sage Education Team and brings a depth of spirituality that is a blessing to our community.
Our Leadership Council - A Mission Centric Church, Click here for more information
Leadership Council is comprised of our Board of Directors and Team Leaders from each of our Ministry Teams:
Primary Teams: Administration, Celebration Services, Facilities, Outreach/Social, SAGE (Classes and Workshops), Inclusivity -Diversity, Tech Team and Hospitality were recently added to our main teams as the function has expanded in our new campus.
Sub Teams and Task Teams: Lunch Bunch, Silent Prayer Team, Pastoral Connections, Unity Earthcare, Design Team, Lunch Bunch, Library, Ushers/Greeters, Counters, Platforms, Grounds, Labyrinth, Lugnuts Night, Renovations, Gardens
New teams form as needs arise.
Hiatus: Youth & Family
Click here to learn more about the Music Team
Director/ Piano Jeff English, Drums/Sound Steve Edwards
Bass Justin Valla Guitar John Loose Song Leader Greg Dening
A variety of soloists are featured weekly
Jeff English piano and music director