Click here for SUNDAY LESSON TOPICS and featured musician
0:30 am Sunday Services are offered
Live Stream and Simulated Live (Recorded)
on YouTube and this website.
Click here for Unity on Demand - YOUTUBE VIDEOS of Sunday Messages and Meditations
WHERE: The Unity Campus, 2395 Washington Road, Lansing, MI 48911 (between Willoughby and Holt) \ Previously the Chisholm Hills Banquet Center and Golf Course
WHAT: Sunday services are a one-hour celebration, full of music, uplifting, thought-provoking messages, prayer, meditation and a group of welcoming and affirming people. We sit at tables to encourge social connection. A coffee bar is open before and during service, as well as a potluck snack table.
What should I wear?
We're more concerned with meeting your real life needs and blessing you for the coming week. Whether you dress casually or come in a dress or a tie, you'll fit right in.
Who attends?
We're proud that our spiritual community includes everyone, regardless of any cultural backgrounds, sexual orientation, age, social norms, nationalities or faith of origin. This pastoral-sized church welcomes 40-60 people on Sundays plus another 50-60 online
What's available for my kids?
We currently serve our young people by inviting them to join us in the Sunday Service. As we grow in our new location, we have plans to reactivate our Youth and Family Ministry.
What are the services like?
LIGHT, JOYFUL AND UPLIFTING! Loving, self-affirming, and practical messages help you to deal with real issues. People have often said, "Those words were just what I needed to hear!"
Seating is at five-foot round tables which accommodate 4-6 people.
What about parking?
We have over 80+ parking spaces, with a number reserved for handicap parking.
Are you handicap-accessible?
Our Great Hall is completely accessible - from the entry, to the bathrooms and sanctuary. We have recently added an access ramp to The Lodge. By the 1st of September, 2022, we anticipate completion of an ADA bathroom in the upper level of the Lodge, making the entire building accessible.
Is Unity an open and affirming denomination?
Is Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing an open and affirming congregation?
Yes and yes. A number of the members of the congregation are part of the LGBTQ community. It is actually part of our bylaws that all members agree to a broad diversity statement in order to become a member. Open and affirming extends far beyond the LGBT community to include open and affirming to the many diverse and rich expressions of the human condition - racial, physical disabilities, neurodiversity, economic situation, relationship status, age, religious background, political affiliations.
APPENDIX B - Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing’s Diversity Statement
We recognize and honor the Divine within as the one common denominator that we share on our human journey. We recognize inherent good in all people. Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing, its members and affiliates, welcome with love all people in every form of God’s creation, regardless of how that creation presents itself.
It is the intent that Unity organizations are inclusive and non-discriminatory. We honor all components that contribute to the diversity of community. We affirm and support Unity principles and programs that manifest diversity in our teachings, policies, buildings and within our communities.
We are resolute in walking the course of human rights and social justice for all.
Our E-Newsletter...
To read the most current enews - click on the link in the "header" of the website that says "NEWSLETTER"
Sent out weekly. It contains info about upcoming events, designed to help you on your spiritual journey. Click on this link to sign up to receive: NEWS
Click here to read a sample ENEWS
Members' Comments...
Click HERE for some comments from our members & visitors:
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Interview with Maya Angelou speaking about Unity...
or Click on this link: