Our Vision

Our Mission

Our Core Values
Romans 12:2 | We seek to experience and live from a state of conscious oneness with God, each other and all creation. | |
2 Corinthians 3:17 | We champion each individual's freedom to become a full expression of Spirit. | |
James 5:12 | We apply Unity Principles and the Law of Mind action by making and keeping our agreements in thought, word, and deed. | |
1 Thessalonians 5:16 | With playful expression, we laugh and have fun as we celebrate life, love, and abundance. | |
Romans 15:7 | We embrace ALL people as expressions of God. | |
Proverbs 11:25 | We gratefully receive the abundant gifts of the universe and share them generously. | |
PRAYER | Luke 11:9,10 | We acknowledge, celebrate and practice the transformative power of prayer. |
Our Five Principles For Spiritual Living 
2. I AM: Our essence is of God
Therefore we are inherently good. This God-essence, called the Christ, was fully expressed in Jesus. It's potential is in us, as well.
3. I THINK: We are co-creators with God
We create reality through our thoughts held in mind.
4. I PRAY: Through prayer and meditation we align our heart-mind with God.
Release and affirmation are the tools that we use.
5. I ACT: Through thoughts, words, and actions we live the Truth that we know.
A more indepth look at the 5 principles of Unity
GOD IS - the One Presence and One Power, the universal omnipresent Source of all that is. God is Spirit, not a being, but Being Itself. God is the principle of All Good and Unconditional Love, Life, and Wisdom. Everything in the manifest realm originates in Divine Mind. God is individualized in all creation.
I AM - a Divine Idea in God Mind. I am good by nature, created with sacred worth. I am one with God as the drop of water to the ocean; individualized, yet profoundly connected with all life. I have all that I need within me to manifest my Divine potential.
I CREATE - from the realm of divine ideas. I shape and form my life experiences by the thoughts and feelings I hold in mind. I am a co-creator with God, free to create my own experiences. However, the more connected I am with Divine Ideas, the greater is my capacity to create original and brilliant ways of expressing myself.
I PRAY - and move into conscious oneness with God. Through prayer I am lifted from the level of the problem to the level of the solution. Unity’s prayer method is called affirmative prayer. This is when I affirm the power of Divine Ideas and give thanks in advance for the highest outcomes for all concerned. During prayer, I become one with the realm of all possibilities and pure potential.
I ACT - on the truth that I believe. Just knowing these principles is not enough. I am called upon to live the truth with my voice, votes, time, and resources. Through nonviolent action and language, I bring our Unity principles into manifestation. I stand for diversity, equity, and inclusion. I support legislation that advocates for planetary reform, political and human rights. I bring the light of hope and truth to a world in need of healing and love. In these ways, I become the change I wish to see in my world.
Credit to the Mennonite Church
- We accept Conflict: We acknowledge that conflict is a normal part of life in the church. Romans 14:1-8, 10-12, 17-19, 15:1-7
- We affirm the Truth: We endeavor to see conflict as symptomatic of what’s missing in our intention to create authentic community. Peacemaking is creating a pathway to God. Matthew 5:9
- We commit to Prayer: We examine where we are coming from and release our need to be right. We acknowledge that all parties have needs and pray for win/win solutions (no prayers for my success or for the other to change). James 5:16
- We go to the Other: We go directly to those with whom we disagree; we avoid behind the back criticism. We refrain from engaging in “parking lot” conversations. Matthew 5:23-24, 18:15-20
- We go in the spirit of Humility: We go in gentleness, patience, and humility. We own our part in the conflict instead of blaming others and acting as if others are responsible for how we are. Galatians 5:1-5
- We are quick to Listen: We listen carefully, summarizing and checking out what is heard before responding. We seek as much to understand as to be understood. James 1:19; Proverbs 18:13
- We are slow to Judge: We suspend judgments, end enrolling others in our position, discard threats, and act in non-defensive and non-reactive ways. Romans 2:1-4; Galatians 5:22-26
- We are willing to Negotiate: We work through disagreements constructively. Acts 15; Philippians 2:1-11
- We identify issues, interests, and needs of all.
- We generate a variety of options for meeting all party’s’ needs (rather than defending our own individual way).
- We evaluate options by how they meet the needs and satisfy the interests of all sides (not just one side’s values).
- We collaborate in working out a joint solution (so that each side gains, grows and wins).
- We cooperate with the emerging agreement (accepting the possible, not demanding the ideal).
- We reward ourselves for each step forward, toward agreement. (celebrating mutuality).
- We are steadfast in Love: We are firm in our commitment to seek a mutual solution: we are steadfast in acting out of Principle (doing the right thing); we are hard on issues and soft on people. Colossians 3:12-15
- We are open to Peacemaking: We are open to accept skilled help. If we cannot reach agreement among ourselves, we will use those with gifts and training in peacemaking. Philippians 4:1-3
- We trust the Unity Community. We trust the wisdom of the community and if we cannot reach agreement or experience reconciliation, we will turn the decision over to the membership or seek assistance from Unity Worldwide Ministries. Acts 15
- We seek to be an expression of Christ: We are committed to peacemaking and the demonstration of Principle rather than resorting to courts of law. Corinthians 6:1-6