Agenda for 10th Annual Members Meeting March 9th

                                                                                 DRAFT AGENDA FOR USCL 10th Annual Members Meeting 3/9/2025

                                                                                    Board of Trustees:  President Chrissie Shearer, V. P. Jeff Benoit  Treas. Jane Cloos,                                                                                                      Secretary Jill Dening  Members at Large:  Lucille Olson, Donnette Pinkerton, J                                                                                                            Minister: Rev. Sharon Ketchum                 Zoom to be recorded



In Person at 2395 Washington Road, Lansing, MI 48911                                                                                Zoom: Meeting ID: 177 417 886 Passcode: 601744


12:00         Call Meeting to Order by Board President                                                                                       President Chrissie Shearer

Opening Prayer                                                                                                                                Rev. Sharon Ketchum

Mission, Vision, and Core Values                                                                                                 All Affirm Together

Approval of Meeting Agenda                                                                          Motion

Explanation of Voting Methods                                                                                                                             President Chrissie Shearer                                         

                           In person members raise hands for all voting. If joining virtually. Raise hand next to face.

Any member can request that we take a roll call vote on any item.

Volunteers for Scrutineers for counting of Zoom Hand Votes

Volunteers for Scrutineers for in person votes

Establish quorum            – number of members signed into meeting                          Secretary Jill Dening

Approval of 2024 Annual Members Meeting Minutes                                                  President Chrissie Shearer               

Minutes posted on website – they will not be read aloud

Financial Report                                                                                                                                      Treasurer Jane Cloos

Presentation 2024 Financials, P&L, Balance Sheet, Actuals vs 2025 Budget

Presentation of 2025 Budget

Motion to approve 2025 Budget and Membership Vote                President Chrissie Shearer

Blessing the Ministry’s gifts and assets                                                                                             Rev. Sharon Ketchum

Acknowledgement of Board Service – Lucille Olson and Teresa Mulford                               Rev. Sharon & Chrissie

Acknowledgement of Completion of Service                                                                                  President Chrissie

Election of Board of Trustees Members

Chair of Nominating Team presents the slate of nominees                                       LuAnne Champion

Slate of Board Nominees 2025 running for 1st term (alphabetically): Tom Cody, Janet Cortright, Donnette Pinkerton 

Each nominee is invited to introduce themselves and say a few words    President Chrissie Shearer

Vote to approve the slate presented by the Nominating Team            

Election of Congregational Representative and Alternate to Nominating Team                  President Chrissie Shearer

Vote for Congregational Rep and Alternate Representative to nominating team

Members are encouraged to self-nominate

 President’s Report                                                                                                                  President Chrissie Shearer

Old Business      There is no old business from the 2024 annual members meeting

New Business                                                                                                                            President Chrissie Shearer

Reports – Q&A on handouts:

  1. Event Rental Team update Report               Jeff Benoit
  2. Facilities Update Report                                 Jerry Podany
  3. Review of Safety Plans                     Donnette Pinkerton

Any new business from the floor?


Closing Prayer                                                                                                            Rev. Sharon Ketchum

Motion to Adjourn – Everyone is invited to a Snuch in the Great Hall