We have several ways that we support our membership and our community...
We want to pray with you in times of trouble and celebrate with you in times of gratitude.
We offer Spiritual Counseling services.
We offer spiritual services to celebrate marriages, new births and transitions.
Self Service
Daily Word, Unity Magazine and books for specific classes or Sunday talks.
Located in the Activity Room which is off of the Great Hall
We are rebuilding our library with the generous donations of Unity folks all over the world!
Prayer Works!
Our Silent Prayer team prays with all prayer requests
1. To request individual prayer for yourself or another, you may Click here for electronic OR...
2. Complete a prayer slip and place it in our prayer box
3. Leave your request on this website on the "Prayer at Unity" drop down file.
4. You can email USCLprayerpractitioners@gmail.com
5. You may call our office at 517-371-3010 and leave your request. Our prayers will begin with you immediately and we affirm:
"Thank you, God, for answered prayer!"