Hospitality Team

sue and chris in kitchen

hospitality teamWhat does the Hospitality Team do?
Unity’s hospitality team is one of the most cherished groups in our community. They make the magic happen! - coffee and snacks on Sunday mornings, as well as our potlucks and more.  The Sunday Hospitality Team has 5 trained members anxious to work with other congregants each week to create a genuinely welcoming atmosphere of community and friendship by making coffee, setting out snacks and cleaning up aftersuem, chris kitchenwards.

Sign-up for a Sunday at the snack table or email Nanette or Chris to find out more.

Let’s peek “beyond the coffee pot” to the amazing work by some very dedicated people.
Team leaders, Nanette Podany and Chris McEnhill, work with others to fulfill a vision of a pristine kitchen with storage that outsmarts the occasional church mouse, equipment that
nan and coffeeserves the various needs associated with eating, and a space that is user-friendly to other teams which may have food requirements.

For the past two years, they have been scrubbing and scrubbing – walls, floors, and equipment which had been caked with years of grease and other food stuff. They have made our walk-in cooler a strong hold against critters sampling our snacks. They have removed broken and outdated equipment and replaced it with exactly what works, thanks to generous donations directed to the capitalchris and cooler expenditure needs of our kitchen.

The Hospitality team is also an active part of the decorating of our sanctuary with themes for the holidays and the seasons.

The Hospitality team is the glue that brings us all together. And they have a place which will fit you perfectly.

E-mail Nanette or Chris to find out more.