SALT Sunday Adult Learning Time - Weekly Topics & Presenters


SaltSALT is a Sunday Adult Learning Time 9:30 - 10:15 am each Sunday

In Person at the Unity Lodge Classroom and virtual in the Unity Zoom Room

Topics and Presenters vary each week.

Access the Lodge either through the inner door at the far end of great hall or directly through outer door at the far end of the campus buildings. Handicap ramp and ADA restroom facilities.

Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing Zoom Meeting Room  Meeting ID: 177 417 886 Passcode: 601744   




Sunday, March 2nd

Join LuAnna Champion as she takes us through the

Divine Inner Faculty of 


Based on the teachings of Unity cofounder

Charles Fillmore and other writings.





March 9th

Explore the spiritual traditions of the Irish Druids.

ORASIS - diety of spring

with Donnette Pinketon






Sunday, March 16, 23, and 30 with Dan MaynardSalt


Unity offers a monthly inperson group and a weekly zoom group on "A Course in Miracles" 

Haven't you wondered what it's all about?

Join these SALT session for a 3 week overview of the "Course"

March 16th:  What the "Course is" and how it's laid out.

March 23rd: What the "Course" says

March 30th: Practical applications of the "Course"



Sunday March 2nd

Explore the divine faculty of WISDOM 

with LuAnne Champion

Reflective of the teachings of Unity cofounder

Charles Fillmore and other writings.





Sunday, April 13th

Rev. Kathy Harwood

Prosperity of Trees


Kathy will peak your interest in ecology and spiritual truths~

This is a taste of her fabulous workshop on Sunday, April 27th following Sunday Service.




Sunday, April 20th

EAster Egg Decorating

with DeShaun Snead-Pratt and CJ Pratt

guest appearance by Cynthis!

Join CJ and DeShaun for a fun time of coloring eggs!

Let your creative shine!




"Cosmic Smash Booking"

Sunday, April 27th

with Denise Coelho

Are you willing to take a flight into the creative cosmos to see what wonders bubble up from the deep?

This is an intentional creative process.

Have fun and grow spiritually.


SALT is a space to come together for interesting sharing and learning opportunities. 

If you have a topic you would like to present or lead a discussion on, or perhaps a creative craft,

 Fill out an Event Form and submit it to the Unity Office for review and scheduling