Leadership Council

group of people

Living on Purpose- Spiritually Focused Fulfillment

sunset over the pondUnity Spiritual Center of Lansing’s mission and vision statements are inspired by the vision of Unity Worldwide Ministries. "Advancing the Unity movement that calls us to awaken to our oneness with God, each other and all creation"

Mission: Awakening to our oneness with God, each other and all creation

Vision: A world powerfully transformed through the growing movement of a shared spiritual awakening.

Living into our purpose, we seek to support as each other in our ongoing spiritual awakening through Sunday Services, learning sessions, safe relationships, diverse and inclusive activities, social actions and opportunities for everyone to make meaningful contributions of time, talent and treasure through active engagement and service.

love in action with intersecting circlesMission Focused Teams: - there is a place for YOU!

In Unity, we learn that we are love and that it's in our spiritual nature to give.  "Love in Action" is based on the truth that each one of us has spiritual gifts or unique talents and abilities to express into life. Each one of us is important to maintain a thriving, growing spiritual community. All that we say, think, and do makes a difference!  Note that you do not need to be a Unity member to participate in a team.

If you're interested in being on a ministry team or becoming a team leader, contact the church office at (517) 371-3010 for more information.

The Leadership Council of Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing is comprised of

The Board of Trustees and the Leads of our Mission Focused Teams.

Teams are envisioned and created by the congregation. (Link buttons at bottom of page)

Each team is self-directed and empowered to work in cooperation with other ministry team. 

A board member often liaisons with each team.

organizational chart 2024 August









USCL's Leadership Council

The Leadership Council meets a minimum of twice a year to cast a vision forward for the development of Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing to ever live more fully into our mission, vision and core values.

2024 Board of Trustees:

President Chrissie Shearer, Vice President Jeff Benoit, Secretary Jill Dening, Treasurer Jane Cloos,

Member at Large: Lucille Olson, Donnette Pinkerton, Janet Cortright

Go to https://unitylansing.org/board-trustees for more information on each board member.


Board of Trustees Pledge: Recognizing God as our Infinite Source and Power, we, the servant leaders of Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing, are anchored in the spiritual practices of meditation, tithing and visioning. Thank you, God, for the opportunity to love and to serve!