Explore and Connect

people holding hands

Explore Unity's activities.  Connect with others of like-minds and different minds!

Office 517 371-3010    Rev. Sharon Ketchum 517 243-2568

unity calendar 2022CALENDAR OF EVENTS

We encourage entrepreneurial spirituality - seek and you will find! 

And the Truth will make you free to be the best you you've ever been.

We are not a mistake free church, but we are a blame free church.

We each do our best to co-create safe and invigorating spiritual community.

congregant choice



Schedule for Tithing

1st Quarter: Sleep in Heavenly Peace

2nd Quarter: tie - Capitol Humane Society

and Greater Lansing Foodbank

3rd Quarter tie: Boys and Girls Club

and Elle's Place

4th Quarter shared among: Cleaning for a Reason, CASA for Kids, Casa De Rosada, Justice League of Great Lansing, LCLAA (Lansing Council for Latina American Advancement.

Congratulations to all our Nominees

Thank you for all you nominated.

Thank you to all who voted.

for more information, go to



Go to


for agenda, financials and other documents

Bring something edible to share!

We will "snunch*" during our meeting

*Snuch is more than a snack and less than a lunch