Living on Purpose- Spiritually Focused Fulfillment
Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing’s mission and vision statements are inspired by the vision of Unity Worldwide Ministries. "Advancing the Unity movement that calls us to awaken to our oneness with God, each other and all creation"
Mission: Awakening to our oneness with God, each other and all creation
Vision: A world powerfully transformed through the growing movement of a shared spiritual awakening.
Living into our purpose, we seek to support as each other in our ongoing spiritual awakening through Sunday Services, learning sessions, safe relationships, diverse and inclusive activities, social actions and opportunities for everyone to make meaningful contributions of time, talent and treasure through active engagement and service.
Mission Focused Teams: - there is a place for YOU!
In Unity, we learn that we are love and that it's in our spiritual nature to give. "Love in Action" is based on the truth that each one of us has spiritual gifts or unique talents and abilities to express into life. Each one of us is important to maintain a thriving, growing spiritual community. All that we say, think, and do makes a difference! Note that you do not need to be a Unity member to participate in a team.
If you're interested in being on a ministry team or becoming a team leader, contact the church office at (517) 371-3010 for more information.
The Leadership Council of Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing is comprised of
The Board of Trustees and the Leads of our Mission Focused Teams.
Teams are envisioned and created by the congregation.
Each team is self-directed and empowered to work in cooperation with other ministry team. A board member often liaisons with each team.
USCL's Leadership Council
The Leadership Council meets a minimum of twice a year to cast a vision forward for the development of Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing to ever live more fully into our mission, vision and core values.
2023 Board of Trustees:
President Chrissie Shearer, Vice President Jeff Benoit, Secretary Jill Dening, Treasurer Jane Cloos, Members at Large: Teresa Mulford, Lucille Olson.
Board of Trustees Pledge: Recognizing God as our Infinite Source and Power, we, the servant leaders of Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing, are anchored in the spiritual practices of meditation, tithing and visioning. Thank you, God, for the opportunity to love and to serve!
Ministry Teams
Lead: Kathy Assiff
(I.D.E.A. Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Acceptance/Accessibility)
Mission: “To promote increased awareness of the many facets of diversity in an effort to consciously practice the Unity principle of being an inclusive, safe, and welcoming environment for all people.”
Main Responsibilities: Coordinate with other teams to ensure Inclusion and Diversity is a consideration in their activities, review signage, graphics and displays for IDEA values, education, Facebook postings and more.
Jeff Benoit
Mission: The Administration Team’s mission is to provide effective administration support for the ministry and its mission.
Board Liaison: Jane Cloos
Subteams: Budget, Tech, Venue Rental
Main Responsibilities: Financials, Operations
Lead: Jeff English
Mission: To create well planned celebration services that inspire and uplift, model Unity Principles, and include everyone
Sub teams: Music - Jeff English
Ushers - Edmund Mack;
Counters - Stacey Ames;
Platform Assistants Chris Janson, Choir on Hiatus
Coordinates with Design Team and Tech Team
Main Responsibilities - Sunday Service Experience
FACILITIES TEAM established December 2022 Lead Jerry Podany
The Facilities Team mission is to ensure proper maintenance of our buildings and grounds. They make recommendations to the Board for major repairs and capital expenditures. They may form sub teams of volunteers to assist with maintenance e.g. "adopt-a-garden-bed"; lawn mowing; HVAC maintenance, etc. as well as task teams for specific projects like re-roofing the pole barn.
Team Lead:
Doug Eagle and
Danielle McMahon
Mission: To provide spiritual growth and development classes, seminars, activities and resources that support participants’ spiritual awakening to their oneness with God, each other, and all creation
Main Responsibilities: Planning SALT, Classes, Workshops and Special Events like movies and concerts, Lending Library
SOCIAL Team: Lisa Haston and Maggie Bishop
Mission: To acknowledge the interests of USCL and the community by engaging with others in ways that advance the movement of shared spiritual awakening, incorporating Unity principles by creating oneness with God, each other, and all creation.
Subteams are active: Lunch Bunch, Caring Connections, kitchen Team, Labyrinth, Lugnuts, Game Days
Team Lead: Susan Winkelstern
Main Responsibilities: Oversee the cohesive appearance in all decorating designs, plan special decor for holidays, determine permanent signage, display placement, furniture, paint colors, deep cleaning
TECH TEAM Lead: Greg Dening
Main Purpose - to insure best functioning and best practices for all technology
Works with Administration Team for Office computers, Celebration Team for Video, Sound and Hybrid Broadcasting, SAGE Team for Virtual and Hybrid events either on Zoom or YouTube and Venue Rental Team for rental needs for sound, video, steaming
Venue Rental Team
Reports to Administration Team Jeff Benoit
Event Facilities Manager Team: Team of people trained to be contracted by event, including Jeff English
Book Agent: Jessica Shelton, Office Manager
This team establishes costs, sets prices, arranges staffing etc. make the Unity Campus available for non-Unity events for members, congregants, non-profits and organizations.
Click here for more detailed information on
the Unity HOSPITALITY Team
Leads Nanette Podany
and Chris McEnhill
Schedule volunteers for serving snacks and beverages before, during and following Sunday Service. Cleaning up following service.
Also organize table decorations in conjunction with Design Team
Sub team of Outreach /Social
Works with all the other teams
Lunch Bunch (Outreach): Lead Nancy Claytor
A monthly social gathering the 1st Friday of the month at a local restaurant.
This is a "no-host" lunch for the purpose of socially connecting.
Sub team of Outreach/Social
Silent Prayer Team: Lead Rev. Sharon
A team of 16 people praying with all those who request prayer support.
Prayer requests come through our prayer box in the Great Hall,
online and by phone at 571 371-3010 (you can leave a message).
Pastoral Connections: Lead Deb Pennington
Sending out cards and making phone calls to those
experiencing health challenges, grief, or in need of connection
Although the team is not currently active, EarthCare activities continue
Styrofoam Recycling: Sybil Spencer and Lisa Schmidt
Dental supplies recycling: Lisa Schmidt
Recycling Batteries: variety of people
Also: collecting aluminum tabs to support Ronald McDonald House
Activities on the horizon: Community Garden, Memorial Meditation Forest
As we reorganize in a time of post fire, post relocating and impact of Covid-19, the following teams are on hiatus until congregational leadership is moved to reinstitute, refresh and reorganize as they are being called to do.
Youth and Family Ministry Team: OPEN
Until our youth program re-forms, all ages are welcome into Sunday Services. There is a family area in the SE corner of the great hall as well as activities books for young people.
Mission: Rooted in love, joy, integrity and Unity Principles, we strive to provide a safe and respectful environment that enables today's youth to become tomorrow's world changers.
The Youth and Family ministry previously worked in conjunction with SAGE (Spiritual Awakening Generates Enlightenment) to coordinate our learning programs.