Pizza & a Movie "The Legend of Baggar Vance"

film reel, popcorn

The Legend of Bagger Vance is a 2000 American sports film directed by Robert Redford, and starring Will Smith, Matt Damon and Charlize Theron.  In 1930s Georgia, a former local golfing hero - disillusioned by his World War I service - meets a mysterious, zen-like caddy who restores his faith in the game just in time for a major tournament. 

The plot is loosely based on the Hindu sacred text the Bhagavad Gita. It depicts God, Krishna, tutoring a warrior-hero, Arjuna, played in the film by Smith and Damon. The film was criticized by several African American commentators and reviewers for employing the "Magical Negro" stereotype.

Click here to watch the trailer!